Assessment and Transitions
Our care of the children should be governed not by the desire to ‘make them learn things’, but by the endeavor always to keep burning within them the light which is called intelligence
-Maria Montessori
Progress Reports and Following the Child
The preponderance of research and literature call into question the value of standardized testing and assessments. Montessori, overall, values the demonstration and satisfaction of mastery over any abstract test for an understanding of each individual child’s growth and development. Having an understanding is important however, especially since observation and emergent curriculum is one of the ways we best serve the child. Toward this end, we use a system called Montessori Compass to record progress, collect and organize observations, document growth of the whole child including the unfolding of social emotional, physical, and cognitive skills. The interface allows us to create an overall picture of each child’s work and level of mastery across their daily experiences. An added benefit of Montessori Compass is that is allows a window into the child’s world at school and seamless communication with families. Parents are kept informed while at the same time preserving the respect for the precious ownership children experience as leaders in their educational journey.
What comes after TTS?
We are incredibly fortunate to have excellent public educational options at our doorsteps in the communities we serve. In addition, we are in proximity to a number and wide variety of outstanding independent schools. There are both public and private Montessori options, as well as award-winning traditional schools whose thinking and methods are some of the more progressive on the East Coast. Our philosophy regarding next steps has to do with instilling a confidence, joy and sense of self-knowledge about in children and their families so that they go on to make choices in which they continue to be advocates for their own best ways. After TTS our hope is that as you choose your next step you do it with a lifelong investment in purposeful, joyous scholarship that honors the learners voice, style and needs, wherever that may lead.
On a practical note, most children find leaving after the Kindergarten year to be most empowering and that the transition to another school, specifically one that may not be Montessori, is one that is easily made after some adjustments. While the method is focused on growing problem solvers, empathic community members, independent thinkers and curious minds, the powerful advantages of a Montessori education often provide an excellent academic foundation for transitioning students.